We believe that personal leadership changes lives and transforms the world.
We’re striving to create a global community centered on confronting the most serious issues that face humanity. Humanitarian support begins with humanitarian leaders.
The HLC fulfills its vision by cultivating the knowledge and leadership practices that bolster communities and develop the humanitarian champions of tomorrow. Three pillars comprise the HLI:
- The Humanitarian Leadership Program, a one-year program designed for humanitarian practitioners.
- The Humanitarian Leadership Platform (Platform4Relief), a forum for online trainings and mentorships.
- The Humanitarian Leadership Network, a community based around in-person events like our Master Mind meetings.
Active participation in humanitarian initiatives calls upon the best in us. It’s a demanding commitment that equips us with crucial skills we’ll use throughout our lives.
Your trainings that you participated till now gave you efficiency, effectiveness, and mastery in a particular field of expertise. The Humanitarian Leadership Institute expands your leadership competencies and your ability to oversee groups of any size in national, regional, or international organizations.
Whatever your current experience level, our program shows you how to manage the pressures and responsibilities of delivering humanitarian aid to people in need. We train our humanitarians in leadership, and help them to seize and embody a practical vision for a safer, more ethical world.
The Humanitarian Leadership Program supports individuals in their own district leadership journeys. The one-year experience gives you access to the concrete knowledge and practices deployed by expert humanitarians from around the world. You will learn to create a space in which to nurture yourself and to clarify how you will dedicate your thoughts, energy, and inner resources moving forward.
Our Holistic management approach consists of: self-management, developing values and purpose, and understanding the humanitarian sector and organization.
You will learn to chart your own singular life path, using the best in yourself to awaken the best in others and bring about change in the world at large.
The benefits of our holistic approach include:
- A strengthened relationship with self, others and the world.
- Freedom from the management status quo.
- A broader view of management options.
- Learning to craft unique management models.
- Openness to new perspective and possibilities.
- Growth, development, change, and transformation!